Current Projects

What the critics say...
"Michael Yale's production is riveting" Libby Purvis
"Utterly transfixing", "Superbly crafted", A terrific play. Go!", Poerful new drama. Superb!"
★★★★ Daily Telegraph | ★★★★ Times | ★★★★★ | ★★★★ Evening Standard | ★★★★★ Broadway World | ★★★★★ Libby Purvis (Theatre Cat) | ★★★★ Independent | ★★★★ Daily Express | ★★★★ Daily Mail | ★★★★ Mail on Sunday |★★★★ Time Out | ★★★★ The Stage | ★★★★★ LondonTheatre1 |★★★★★ TheGayUK |★★★★★ Carns Theatre People World |★★★★★ Critical Mass |★★★★★ Rewrite This Story |★★★★★ Playstosee | ★★★★ Jewish Chronicle | ★★★★ Radio Times | ★★★★★ Attitude | ★★★★ the Upcoming | ★★★★ London Theatre | ★★★★ West End Wilma |★★★★ What's On Stage
Don't miss Late Company by Jordan Tannahill, directed by Michael Yale playing at Trafalgar Studios London until September 16th 2017

★★★★★An absolute delight”  Broadway World
★★★★ “Yale’s direction strengthens the line of the narrative and produces a lovely flow of energy…excellent …resonates on so many levels” LiveTheatreUK
★★★★ “Michael Yale’s production is sensitive and full of ideas…beautifully unfolded in one big tragedy. ” LDN CULTURE
★★★★ “Rude, romantic and real” The Reviews Hub
★★★★ “The most true to life show on stage at the moment” This Mortal Fool  
“Michael Yale has assembled all the ingredients for a fine work…beautifully delivered” Islington Gazette
" brilliant new musical that deserves a West End transfer" Camden New Journal
“All the potential of becoming a classic” London News Online

★★★★ Bold, ambitious and terrific.”  Reviewing Shakespeare
★★★★ “A fast-moving production. Definitely worth seeing.” Remotegoat
“I doubt I will ever see a better version of Henry IV Part 1.”
Reviewing Shakespeare

A delightfully unusual take on one of Shakespeare’s very best plays.” Londonist

★★★★ “Taught and tense... Bravo”    Remotegoat 
“Admirably well written and structured play, never sensationalising but presenting the shocking facts”     
BBC Worldservice                                     
"subtle, menacing and powerful"   Londonist
"cleverly conceived and stylishly executed"  The Metro                                          

★★★★ “This is costume drama at it’s most stylish, adult and involving”    What’s On Stage
★★★★ “Credible and absorbing…played with devastating wit and style” The Stage 
★★★★ “killingly funny, played with panache…a sumptuous joy” Indie
★★★★ “Director Michael Yale generates a straightforward romanticism…the production hangs together perfectly…visually attractive and richly engaging”   The Stage